Friday, July 14, 2006

Studio Friday: View from Above

"My husband and I went flying this past weekend and I had so much fun taking aerial pictures. Amazing what things you see everyday look like from above. It just got me thinking "what would my desk look like from above?" I have a feeling I would find some inspiration somewhere in there!"

Nowadays my desk is a complete mess, I just keep throwing things on top of it hoping that one day I will find the time to clean up and organize it. But I have realized that one thing is constant, my cup of tea! Even through all the mess, one can always spot my mug (full or empty). It seems to push things around and find its natural space. Those who know my well are completely aware that I am not functional unless there is some tea around me, even my mood changes after I drink some tea and I open up to great attitude and inspiration. Posted by Picasa


Laura Williams said...

from one messy desk, to another. . . .happy studio friday!

carrie s. said...

Boy, I can relate! Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Me too!
Except in my case it's coffee.

Vee said...

awesome shot!

Debbie said...

As a fellow tea drinker and scientist and messy work area owner- great shot! Its funny how we all need our touchstones for creativity. And yours is a cup of tea - works for me!!

Ellen said...

There may be clutter here, but it looks to me like a lot of potential for creating! My work space is currently bare--not even a cup of coffee or tea--which means there is no creating going on here right now!

Anke Martin said...

Ah yes, tea......I love black tea but only in the morning and afternoons. I usually put my tea aside out of the danger zone! I would put all kind of paper bits in it!

justjohanna said...

mmm. tea sounds good right about now. love having the little peek at your space.

... said...

you have a constant cup of tea.... i have a constant can of diet coke! LOL! I can identify with the messy desk thing.... i love it! it helps me to be more creative i think... to have everything there at my fingertips and just be able to work with it all.... it is fabulously fun!

love your studio space!

Dena :)

Stacia said...

A cup of tea is definitely comforting...How perfect that it has it's place in your studio!