Yes, our Lucas has ventured into the unknown and has taken his first steps!!! Can you tell he is really proud of himself? Way to go big boy!!!!!
I still can't believe that Ryan is old enough to go to preschool. Every morning he grabs his little lunchbox and gets out of the house with Greg to go to Applebee. And he does all this with a big smile on his face. Last month I took a few picture of him leaving the house and this past week-end I had few minutes to make a page. I challenged myself in using some old supplies and this is what I came up with. It is simple, nothing special, but at least the memories are preserved.
Someone may wonder why it has been so quiet around here during these past Holidays.Well, we spent a lot of time driving around to go see family, and that alone made us pretty busy. Alex was in Disneyland and we missed him like crazy, but he is back now and told us everything about his fun trip. I have made a collage of few pictures we took last Saturday in Lincoln. It was a beautiful day; Ryan went fishing in the pond and even caught some fish. He was very excited about that (and daddy did not catch anything!). Big thanks to Uncle Dan for all the fun!
I have managed to work on some pages but I did not have time to scan anything, hopefully I will post them soon.
Have a great Monday!
Happy Birthday big boy! Ryan is turning 4 today!!
Lucas went for his first bike ride today! And as you can see, he loved going around with daddy. He fought the helmet a little but forgot about it relatively fast and then it was FUN all the way! For once, I wish I had my videocamera rather than my Rebel because Lucas was making this funny noise all the time, like if he was in a car and he was driving. It would have been really cool to capture it. We just got the seat and it already seems kind of small for him, hopefully it will last a few months. Ryan is getting the trailer bike for his birthday (this Tuesday he will be 4!), so then daddy is all set to carry the little ones around. I know someone may think..what about mommy, why doesn't she help at all? Let's say I have some balance issues with the bike, so it is safer if I carry only myself around.....and let's leave it at that!
"This week the challenge is to embrace that wonderful imperfection inherent in using stamps. Sound like a big challenge? It is. If you are like me, sometimes it has to be laid out right in front of you for it to have any impact.
Here's a little more direction: create a layout that uses at least three different stamps - one geometric, one text, and one organic (swirl, artsy, etc.). If you make a mistake, work with it or leave it. Chances are, no one will ever notice except you - everyone else will see it as a totally cool artsy use of stamps. Embrace that!"
I am always a little chicken when time comes to use stamps on my pages, so this challenge was a good one for me. As expeceted, I am not too convinced about the result, but as Ali says:IT'S OK. So I decided to accept the final product and roll with it.
Since I was not a scrapbooker when my other kids were born, I don't have many pages of their first year of life. But from the moment Lucas was born I decided to make one page each month during his first year of life to keep track of his milestones and growth. He is almost 11 months old and even though I am no keeping up the pace, (I have only 8 pages completed), I am doing OK. I don't scrap chronologically, but rather I follow the inspiration that the pictures create in me the day I want to create. Today I made a page about his 7 month. Thanks for looking!
Another Halloween has passed, November is here and in few more weeks it is going to be Christmas. Where did the year go, I wonder ?
Well, the kids had a great time and were completely wiped out last night . Ryan was hilarious because he kept his Spiderman mask on for a good part of the trick or treating and kept felling and stumbling over everything. I was able to convince him to take it off after he stumbled on a newspaper.Lucas (our little leopard) was an angel all evening and even if he did not get any candy, he definitely helped his brothers checking them out, once we got back home. Alex is getting so big! He was dressed up as a Grim Reaper, but I barely saw him because he went running around with his friends and there was no way we could keep up with them, so we saw them back at home at the end of the evening. It's all over. The decorations are gone already and now it is time to think about Thanksigiving.